![Gustavo Jocol's avatar](https://ecochallenge-production.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/public/user/169254/avatar/thumb-8a1a97de32cbf054b85c8180b305bea4.png)
![Gustavo Jocol's avatar](https://ecochallenge-production.sfo3.digitaloceanspaces.com/public/user/169254/avatar/thumb-8a1a97de32cbf054b85c8180b305bea4.png)
Gustavo Jocol
"As a student I will try to improve in this new section, I will bring new ideas to my group and help the rest of the people."
- 581 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO330gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO6.0public officials or leaderscontacted
UP TO35minutesspent learning
UP TO11conversationswith people
UP TO5.0lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO30minutesspent outdoors
UP TO1.0donationmade
Gustavo's actions
Learn More About Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Power
I will spend at least 7 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of geothermal energy and consider investing in this technology.
Action Track: Healing & Renewal
Tend A Garden
I will tend to a garden, or prepare for one, each day using sustainable gardening practices.
Plan to Insulate
I will find out how to make my home more energy efficient through better insulation and weatherization.
Research Heat Pumps
High-Efficiency Heat Pumps
I will spend at least 5 minutes researching heat pumps to see if installing one makes sense for my home/building.
Install A Toilet Tank Bank
Low-Flow Fixtures
I will reduce the amount of water flushed and save up to 11 gallons (41 L) of water a day or 330 gallons (1,230 L) a month by installing a toilet tank bank.
Upgrade My Windows
I will upgrade the windows or weatherstripping in my home or office to reduce air leaks and save on energy costs.
Health and Education
Connect With A Nonprofit
Health and Education
I will connect with a local nonprofit working on issues affecting women, girls, and/or trans/nonbinary people in my community, and find out how I can get involved or become a member.
Land Sinks
Forest-Friendly Foods 1
Tropical Forest Restoration
I will spend at least 20 minutes researching the impact of my diet to see how it contributes to deforestation.
Health and Education
Learn about the Need for Family Planning
Health and Education
I will spend at least 30 minutes learning more about the need for family planning globally.
Communicate With My Elected Officials
Onshore Wind Turbines, Offshore Wind Turbines
I will write or call 4 elected official(s) telling them not to support fossil fuel subsidies and instead support wind energy generation.
Learn More about Biomass
Biomass Power
I will spend at least 6 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of biomass.
Learn More about Wave and Tidal Energy
Ocean Power
I will spend at least 5 minutes learning more about the energy generation potential of wave and tidal energy.
Support Companies Leading in Green Energy
Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaics, Distributed Solar Photovoltaics
I will use my spending power to reward companies leading in creating or purchasing green energy and incentivize others to invest more in green energy.
Choose LED Bulbs
LED Lighting
I will replace 4 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Support Microgeneration in Low Income Countries
Small Hydropower, Micro Wind Turbines, Microgrids
I will make a donation to a nonprofit that installs microgeneration in low income countries.
Spread the Word about Energy Alternatives
All Electricity Solutions
I will research and tell 4 people each day about the benefits of alternative energy sources like wind turbines, solar energy, geothermal energy, and methane digesters.
Rooftop Solar Consultation
Distributed Solar Photovoltaics
After researching the incentives at the federal, state, utility, and local levels, I will contact a local installer/distributor for a solar panel installation consultation on my house.
Advocate for Solar Installation
Distributed Solar Photovoltaics
I will create a plan to and advocate for solar installation at my business, apartment building, or campus.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Gustavo Jocol 6/14/2021 6:15 AMGood Morning, I've log in another day in this team. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONElectricity Learn More about BiomassHad you ever heard of biomass technology before you took this challenge? What did you learn that surprised you? Share your new knowledge with your friends!
Gustavo Jocol 6/09/2021 6:44 AMYea I've hear some technology about biomass, I've learned this that they can use the plants that clean and renewable to create energy, and the first thing that I've heard from this is that the robots that were send to Mars the might use their environment to make their own energy, there are some projects in the future that are robots that will collect a piece of something in the floor then it will generate their own energy.-
Richard Klein 6/09/2021 10:28 AMYes, and as we learn more about how robots work on Mars, we will solve some of the problems we have here on earth.
REFLECTION QUESTIONBuildings Install A Toilet Tank BankHow can your region/household prepare for changing water situations in order to become more resilient?
Gustavo Jocol 6/09/2021 6:30 AMBased on my surroundings and how diverse are the business here, I would say that my region in prepared for changing water situations, since we are on texas and like Ilda Hidalgo said one of the conferences that she had, Texas is a city that acts on its own and no requires much of the government. so with that having in mind I think my region they can change and make everything more resilient. -
Gustavo Jocol 6/09/2021 6:22 AMGood Morning, hope everything is ok. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONBuildings Upgrade My WindowsHow does improving your home's (or office's) energy efficiency help you better live out your values?
Gustavo Jocol 5/23/2021 7:07 PMImproving my house's energy efficiency will help me to keep out the moisture and have a good air quality and if I want to replace a window in my house, whether it can be my windows, doors, and skylights I should contact to a professional to make that work so there should be to prevent hazard toxin or something different and If I'm doing it in my own, I should have to read a manual so I can avoid tragedies. so maintaining a good air and balancing the temperature of my home between cold and hot, it will be not bad after all but if I want to replace something in my house that was built on 1978 then I should get aware to check it by myself very carefully or contact with a professional so there will be not lead based paint that can be poisonous to the children. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONBuildings Research Heat PumpsWhy is taking action on climate change important to you? Why do you care?
Gustavo Jocol 5/23/2021 6:44 PMIt is important because in a future if is possible my generation in there will have consequences if I don't take action like in my surroundings if I throw away all the time trash and more trash then my air around will be smell horrible and it can damage my family even cause a develop disease in the lungs. this mentioned is just a primary example, of course there are many others that will take me to write all down here, but what I do have to care of it, is that it will play a role in my future and the future of my family by either good or worse, depending in my action and persuade to others do the same things. in short words preventing future incomings will save your life, money, and help the climate. -
Gustavo Jocol 5/23/2021 6:34 PMGood Night! at this time I'll do some ecochallenge, making a warm up in this site before to sleep and prepared for school tomorrow Monday will be good. Thank you for reading, wish for you to have a great day! -
Gustavo Jocol 5/18/2021 6:27 AMSo if we are using more our cars just to go over there maybe if that is unnecessary it will let me think that I'm burning trees, for example the studs that my teacher show to me, if I use one gallon of gas is equivalent to burning a 2 x 4 x8 studs so if I imagine to burn more than it to travel and that probably that travel is not necessary for my life then I'm being a person who doesn't take care of the nature, so this lesson is good and hope that most of the people could get the importance of not use much of our cars, or other material that requires gas. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONHealth and Education Learn about the Need for Family PlanningWhat did you learn about the need for family planning? How do the needs of different people in different places compare to each other?
Gustavo Jocol 5/17/2021 5:21 PMA family planning is good and is can be as problem solving, as I mention in one of my posts farm planning is a good plan because it is a factor that will determine your survival, and if you don't plan when to plan in the next season from the year, then you will not have nothing to eat, another thing that a family plan can comes, is about migrating into new zones, it is a hard decision to leave your origins and where you born, then that eventually all comes down, the sky falls down, disasters, criminality, hearing each day and week deaths from people near to you, so sometimes family planning it can be different, some of the families will plan to more in different places whether for a family adventure or for an severe decision of the moments that the family needs. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONAction Track: Healing & Renewal Tend A GardenHave you ever had a significant experience in nature that altered your perspective or focus? If so, please describe it.
Gustavo Jocol 5/17/2021 5:15 PMIn this particular case nature altered me in some ways, it changes my mind, it relaxes me, and its pure contemplation is beautiful, one day I've watched people cutting trees which's for me is just not good and at the end those people don't even take the time to cut its root so they can use it to replant another tree in there but with seeds, another thing is that in my country where I come from that is on Guatemala, I've farm some crops and when a hurricane comes in there all my crops are being damaged, so me and my mom we try to fix all the damage by trying to reestablish all to normal, and the types of crops that I did was potatoes, tomatoes, lemons, apples, peaches, plums, cherry, and corns. it is terrible when a hurricane comes but I've learned that keeping my farm stable it lets me to survive in this life.